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Basically, bungee jumping is jumping from an elevated point while connected to an elastic cord, purposely to prevent death or injury of the jumper. It started in the ancient times with certain tribes in the Pacific islands and in Mexico using vines to support their bodies when jumping from a platform.
Most bungee jumping activities are offered over bridges. One of the world's best over-the-bridge jump is Victoria Falls Bridge amidst one of the largest waterfalls in the world, the Victoria Falls. Jumpers not only experience the thrill of the jump and the enormity of the waterfalls, but also the spectacular views of the two African countries, Zambia and Zimbabwe, all the same time.
Most of bungee jumping sites are over structures which provides more useful functions other than being jumped from, like bridges and dams, yet they offer great deal of fun and exhilaration. One of which is the famous Bungee Jumping Center in Switzerland along the Verzasca Dam, made famous by James Bond when the legendary character-detective plunged into this site in the movie Goldeneye in 1996. This is considered to be the highest permanent jumping site in the world, plunging at about 722 feet. Jumpers experience a 7.5-minute free fall before reaching the lowest point.
Later, they were performed by some daredevils in some parts of the world but were considered illegal, especially in the United States due to the dangers that it poses to anyone who does it. Its popularity came about in the 1980's when the daredevils attracted some attention through television, spreading the thrill and adrenalin rush experience around the world.
Other jump sites, however, were specifically and structurally designed for bungee jumping alone. One of the best is in Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. I jumped from this one myself so I can tell you first hand that it's incredible.
Best Bungee Jumping Sites in the World
2008, Joe Loiacano
Available for free reprint in original content only.
The company that operates this bungee jump boasts of perfect guaranteed safety since its opening day. Thanks to their strict compliance to equipment quality. The owner was actually in Dallas Texas and the bungee site manager had me talk to the owner via skype before my jump to wish me luck. Good bunch of guys!
Though bungee jumping is not for everyone, especially the faint-hearted, today, it has become a popular outdoor activity. Anywhere they can find a place to jump, expect people to have jumped over it.
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